Janie's Journal

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sleeping children

Hey everyone!! I hope you are all doing well- so I don't want to be a stickler, but I have noticed that comments on my blog have lessened greatly in the last few posts. :) In all seriousness I love the comments- they encourage me and make me smile, so please keep them coming!! :)
This week was a busy week- between my normal schedule, welcoming guests, and all the other little things that pop up, this week flew by. :) It was a good week though and definitley confirmed why I was here- to love the kids and to help the adults. Yesterday, one of the little ones fell asleep while I was holding him. His name is Isaias and he is 3 years old. I continued to hold him for about 20 minutes and i realized that there is nothing like a sleeping child. I kept thinking that he was such a special gift. Isaias is here for protection- I'm not exactly sure what his background story is, but i do know that his mom or grandmom or father or someone couldn't protect and take care of him so they brought him to the Albergue. I don't know if they want him and want what is best for him or if they simply didn't want the hassle of raising a child- but I do know that here, he is protected, loved, provided for and cherished. I feel so lucky to be the person that held him when he was sleeping, kiss boo-boos and make him laugh. I feel so blessed to be here to hug the kids, laugh with the kids and push them on the swing. It is overwhelming to know that I am truly loved be these kids not because of anything else then the fact that I am here and I love them.
Last night, I was invited to watch a movie with all the girls. The movie was kind of scary and all in Spanish, so I wasn't really enjoying that, but afterwards I had a slumber party with 3 of the girls. :) Kristy, Yumelit, and Ana are 3 of the older girls and they are so much fun! We pulled two matresses into the living room and ate popcorn and chatted (or tried to in Spanglish) and giggled. :) They were so excited because the madre let them have one spoonful of peanut butter and some saltine crackers- that is one spoonful between 4 people. It made me want to go out and buy peanut butter for the whole orphanage!! :) And, did you know that 4 people can fit on two twin size mattresses put together??? Well, technically they can't- one person falls off the whole night (and that one person would be me!) :) i came back to my room at 6 this morning and slept til 9, so now I am feeling alot better.
Well, the 3 girls being adopted have to go to doctor's appointments today, so I am going to watch their 3 sons- they are really fun and sometimes hyper, so it should be fun!


At 11:19 AM, Blogger The Butler Family said...

Ah, Janie, I love your blogs! I can see everything by the way you describe it, and I feel like I am right there with you, like I held sleeping Isaias in my arms! That is so cute that you were invited to a slumber party with the girls! 1 spoonful of peanut butter for 4 people?! That so makes me want to send you a case of peanut butter!!! Everyone gets their own jar! For real though, if you want me to send you peanut butter, I am so there. =) Anyways, enjoy your day with your hyper boys! LOL! Love you!

In Christ,

At 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got goosebumps reading your blog! Thank you. Love, Mom

At 8:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Janie - it's so great to stop by and see when you've put up a new post. I'm swimming in a sea of paperwork this weekend,but wanted to say "HI", and that although I might not be able to post much during the week, I'm thinking about you and the kids. I can't wait to hear more.

At 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just wanted you to know that I enjoy reading your blog. I love reading it and living vicariously through your adventures. :) I've been praying for you.


At 8:44 PM, Blogger Heather said...

Hey Jbabe--
I should be ashamed of myself! I know how wonderful it is to have people post on your blog, and here I haven't posted in a while. I really enjoy reading your posts and always look forward to them.

At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like they need some peanut butter M&Ms there!
Glad to hear that everything is going so well.

At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds great! Love you and miss you.



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