Janie's Journal

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Hello everyone!
I still haven't gotten the computer to download pictures from my camera- but I will keep trying! I have some really cute ones now of some of the kids. :) So this week has been so much better than last week! I have started really getting involved in the day to day activities here. Liz and I set up a daily schedule on Monday and I am actually going to start it today. I work in the library everyday for a few hours- my job is to get all the books into a computer so that they will be able to check the books out and know who has them. Right now, they seem to lose a lot of books because the kids don't return them. I have about 20 books done and about 400 to go! :) Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I will be giving English lessons to the Madres. I am not a teacher, so I don't know how that is going to go. My first lesson is today, so wish me luck! Also, I will be organizing the second floor of the Albergue (everyone calls the orphanage the Albergue so that is what I have started calling it). Then, in the afternoons every day I take care of 6 or 7 of the 3-5 year olds for 1 1/2. I was really looking forward to this and I started on Monday. It is so much harder than I had anticipated. These kids have so many emotional struggles. Most of them have been abused in some form and they show love in unusual ways. One of them is very inappropriate and it is taking some getting used to. I have worked with troubled kids before, but never in a different language! It hit me yesterday, while I was with them how real this is- Hogar de Esperanza is geared toward street children so most of these kids have been through more than I can possibly imagine. I'm so glad I am here to love them and care for them, but I can tell it will be very hard.
Also in the afternoons, twice a week I will be doing crafts- the kids make the most beautiful bracelets, necklaces, and cross-stitch pieces. The other thing I will be doing is helping the little ones read- Liz thinks I can handle it and hopefully it will help me with my pronunciation as well.
Well that is my schedule- sounds pretty full, doesn't it? :) Liz kept saying that she was sorry it was so full- but really- I am here to help and to get involved- I'm not here for vacation!
So please say a prayer for me as I start my new schedule- I am a little nervous about a few things, but I know it will be great!
Love you all!


At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Janie,
I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better! Now the fun and work can begin. I am glad you are there for the kids. Your love can help heal their pain. You'll do great teaching. You have lots of patience, so no worries.
Don't forget to take care of you, too.
Love ya, Anna

At 11:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was going to say about the same thing Anna did--so ditto. We all love you and are praying for you. Hugs and kisses, Mom

At 1:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto and Ditto! Anna and your mom covered everything I was going to say!!

Love and prayers,
Linda (and Trista, of course!)

At 2:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you got off to a rough start but it sounds as if you are well on your way to making some miracles happen with the kids.
Do you think that you'll have time to teach them to twirl? Maybe you could just twirl for them! Then again, there are probably more important endeavors for you there but hopefully I made you smile.Miss ya!
Take Care!

At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola J-Dogg! See, I'm learning a little spanish too :) Ok, not really... not even sure I spelled "hola" right... but you get my drift :) Well it sounds like they really needed you there and i'm glad they're keeping you busy! How fun to get to teach english and reading, I know you will do really well with that. Love ya and hope you stay healthy!!! P.S. Be on the lookout for long flowing locks....

At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey janie,
just got your letter--thankx. can't wait to hear more of your adventure and mission there.

please email me the pictures of you and i and all curves girls, as well as your peru kids.

i heard my Father say, "Nothing that is good will be withheld from you."

love ya,
teresa fricke

At 4:48 PM, Blogger The Butler Family said...

Hey J! Wow, that is a wonderful schedule you've got there! =) I'm sure it will help so much to know when you're supposed to be doing what, and what comes next, etc etc. Before you know it, you'll be an old pro! That is so sad about the kids who have been so scarred at such a young age, truly heartbreaking. But guess what- GOOD NEWS, Jesus can make them a new creation! =) He can and He will! Hooray! I miss you a whole bunch! Keep up the bloggin', I love it!

In Christ,

At 5:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heather and Lucas are out of PGN!
Love, Mom

At 7:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss you sooo much already!! Dennis and I have been reading your posts and catching up. I'm sorry you were sick and glad to hear that you are feeling better. Those children are in for a huge blessing having you there to love and care for them. We'll pray that you will have wisdom and strength...and that you'll figure out the camera so we can see those pictures! ;)
I love you dear friend,

At 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I got so excited about your myspace comment to me, I rushed over to say YES to lunch, and didn't answer your questions! I decided to come over here and see if you'd blogged any more (and you HAD!), so I thought I'd leave you a tidbit over here as well!

I will be graduating with a BSN (bachelors of science in nursing) in May. It's a one year, year-round accelerated program. Right now I'm trying to get acclamated to a more normal schedule, as the 2 summer sessions were CRAZY INTENSE! We've joined the senior nursing students, and also have a few extra classes that they've already done. I should get some time off in December, so lunch would be GREAT!

Love ya!

At 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! Lucas is getting closer to being home! That made me smile, so I can only imagine the dance you did when you read that too... Congrats! Just wanted to send you some of my excitement. I might even do a few jumps for you too. ;)
Talk to ya soon, Anna


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