Janie's Journal

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8

Saturday, August 12, 2006

I have tickets!!!

Hey everyone!
So I got my plane tickets this week- it was so exciting and a tiny bit scary at the same time. :) I leave at 12:53 on the 30th of August and get back at 10am on December 12th (happy birthday to you Heather S!) Getting the plane tickets made it so real- I am still amazed that I am blessed enough to be given this experience. It has been a dream for so long, I can not believe it is happening!! :) I was kind of freaked out last week about doing support raising- aka- asking people to contribute both by praying and financially. But my dad had a conversation with Jim and Alma Taylor, to wonderful, amazing friends of the family and Jim said something that has really stuck with me. He said that God is wanting to minister to the kids in Peru and He is forming a team to do so. i just happen to be the one that actually gets to go. So the whole team is contributing by either praying for my journey and for the kids or by giving financially to help pay for my travels and my time there. It made me feel so much better knowing that the money wasn't just to cover something that i felt like doing- it is for a ministry that God has set up and I am blessed enough to be a part of. :)
On Wednesday my wonderful Bible study had me share about my upcoming trip and also spent time praying over me. It was so encouraging and made me feel so very loved! (I'm so okay with sounding corny)
I talked with the woman who co-founded the orphanage, along with her husband, this week. They were still in Peru, but they have an internet based phone with a Liberty number so I was able to call locally. It was so amazing to talk to her on the phone- I could hear people talking in the background in Spanish and I just could not believe that i will be there in less than 3 weeks! I am going to meet with her at the beginning of next week to go over what i will be doing while I am there and also to answer the millions of questions that I have.
My father went down to Guatemala this week to meet his grandson- the pictures are amazing of Dad and Luke together- both look so happy! :) I talked to my mom on the phone tonight and everyone sounded really cheerful. Check out my nephew's blog to see more adorable pictures of Lukie! :)
Right now I am in Hannibal, MO for a girl's weekend with my girls from college- Heather, Steph, Shannon and Katie and I are hanging out this weekend and being crazy! (By the way- those are the girls that are in my picture at the top) We are watching movies and doing manicures right now- so I better get back to it!
Love you all,
ps- I LOVE comments so please please please leave me one!! You would totally make my day! :) *wink* :)


At 4:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you, I never knew you dreamed of doing this your whole life. I am so glad. Love You always, Mom


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