Janie's Journal

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Preparations. . .

Hi everyone!! I am getting so excited about my trip! I can hardly wait to meet the kids and hug them. :) I need to start making all of my preparations- i have to get medicine and 1 more shot and I also still need to do the minor thing of buying my plane tickets!! It looks like my departure date will be August 30. I was going to wait until my sister and nephew got home, but it looks like they won't be home for a few more months. I told my sister that I didn't know what to do and she said "Do what God says"- so I am! These last few days have been very overwhelming- when we found out that Lucas' adoption had been delayed again- I was devastated for Heather and Shane. To be so far apart for so long is unimaginable, yet that is what is happening. But I know that Lucas is worth every day. Heather and Shane are amazing parents and are already putting what is best for Luke over their own struggles. Please pray that they are each given the patience and perseverance to endure this last stage of the adoption.
My dad has been so wonderful for me- he has been encouraging and supportive. We have had the best conversations and he has helped me make decisions. thanks dad!
I have been telling all the ladies at Curves that I will be leaving in a few weeks and that has been really hard. They have all become my close friends and there are many that I love dearly! But they are also excited for me and this new adventure I get to go on. Isn't it amazing that when I started working at Curves I thought I would only be here a few months until I decided where to go or what to do- but the more I worked here and got to know the ladies the more I felt at home and like I was serving a purpose here. I have laughed with them, cried with them and even prayed with them. We dance, sing, and play games- really this job has turned into such a blessing. When I had surgery earlier this year they sent me cards and presents, and when I went to Guatemala many of them emailed me and they held a baby shower for my sister- who they have never met!!! They are so generous and sweet- I know that they will support me as I leave also. . . that is just how they are! I will always treasure the friendships I have made here-
That's all for now!!
Love you all- janie


At 12:28 PM, Blogger Shane Sowden said...

Very exciting!!! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures/ministry in Peru.

At 6:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » » »


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