Janie's Journal

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8

Friday, June 09, 2006

Spanish lessons

I've now had 12 hours of Spanish lessons (in just 3 days!). My teacher's name is Julia (hulia) :) and she is sooo nice! We have the greatest time together and dissolve in to laughter several times during each session. I feel like I've learned a lot, but my brain is having trouble keeping up. I have 14 pages of words, phrases, and basic language to study and memorize by my next session. Heather and I have to take Lucas to Guatemala City on Monday for an appointment, so my next session isn’t until Tuesday- which is good news for my brain! J Julia doesn’t know a lot of English, and my Spanish is improving, but not great. I’ve found I can understand a lot more Spanish than I can speak. My lessons go from 9am until 1pm- by 12:30 my mouth and brain both stop working! She has been treating me more and more like a niece, and often tells me to find a husband! She has also said on more than one occasion that when my big American wedding happens, that she expects an invitation!
After my lesson today Heather and I had lunch and then went to an Artisan’s Market. It was a crazy place!! Never have I been more badgered to buy something! They had pretty much anything that you could imagine- and most of it (but certainly not all) was nice. I did get a present for one of my family members, and hope to go back another time to get other things- does anyone have a request?? Then heather and I (and of course- Lucas) went to a Jade store. Guatemala is known for its jade and there are several jade stores here. We had a great time and ended up getting a few birthday presents and a Christmas present. Again- any requests? J
I made my plane reservation today- I will be going home on June 24th. While I am excited to see all of my family and friends and to go to a Target J, I am also really sad to be leaving my sister and Lucas. As most of you know the plan was for me to be the “last leg” of the journey for them and to help bring Lucas home. But because of some delays, they will be here for at least 3-4 more weeks. Heather is expecting a few visitors- her sister-in-law, a cousin, and my best friend Karen are all planning on coming down here. I’m glad that she won’t be alone, but I still wish that I could have stayed here until the end. I will have been here for a month and 4 days by the time I go home.
But since I do have 2 more weeks, I plan on enjoying every minute while I also count down until I get to see everyone at home!
Until later-
Love you all-


At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are coming home. I need some Janie. I wish you could bring your sister and nephew with you though. :( I was wondering how far you will have to travel to Guatemala City? Will you get a driver to take you? How far are you from the ocean?
Miss U!
Leah Nelson

At 8:36 PM, Blogger The Butler Family said...

J, I am so glad you decided to start a Blog! I can't tell you how it makes my day to read about your trip, it makes me feel like you're here! =) I am so excited for your trip to Guatemala City on Monday! I'll be praying that everything goes well for baby Lucas! Love ya!

In Christ,


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